Thursday, May 29, 2008

Well I had a job lined up with my Grandpa for the summer, but thats a bust now. I went over and looked through the stuff he wanted to sell through ebay and we found out that there really isn't a market anymore.

So im off to find a job, oh boy!

But first the Cardinals Game,

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I have been working with Adobe Photoshop for a while now and have learned a wide variety of things. The way that I have learned best is through tutorials and videos spread across the internet.

I thought I would share with you some of those resources.

A great website, it has tutorials for various programs. The tutorials link to different websites where these tutorials are posted. There are tutorials based on a wide variety of things and you should check it out.

A wonderful place you can use to share your art, writing, or just take a gander at what others are creating.

Photoshop Users TV
Is a website put on by the NAPP (National Association of Photoshop Professionals) and they have a video blog where they share many amazing tips and tutorials.

Tech gfx
Is a great place to learn about making signatures (also know as sigs and tags) There is a wide variety of tutorials if you are into making forum sigs.

Tutorial Paradise
Is a new place I have been going to find video tutorials. So far it has proven to be a nice resource.

Photoshop isn't incredibly difficult to learn to use. Yes it takes some time, but the interface has been refined and everything is marked clearly.

For anyone who is reading, and wants a tutorial on something, leave me a comment with your request, and I'll either find you a tutorial or make one for the request.

Thanks for reading!

Today I will leave you with two pictures

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Welcome everyone to my new and only blog.
Oh boy, I know you're all excited!
Well I will be glad if anyone actually reads my blog.

Just for anyone who is wondering (or reading) This is an art blog! Hoorah!

I will be posting some resources, tutorials (eventually of my own), things I make, random things that come to mind, and all that jazz.

I have started getting into photography, digital artwork, writing, and many different types of media.

I leave you with one of my newest pieces, It is titled "We are all Ablaze"