Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Story idea

Well I was sitting around with my friends tonight and they were playing GTA:4 and I had an awesome story that I want to write.

I want the story to have a very dark, grungy, post warish feel. It will take place in either post war Chicago or New York. The idea behind it all is to have the story follow several characters throughout the story. A up and coming mobster, a druggy, and a hacker.

The timeline will be one of which society fell through in the states and a war hit. Technology plays a big part in the way these imprisoned Americans live. The remaining Americans live in these giant city prisons, but for a lack of trying the lower dirt balls have survived and are thriving in these bombed out old large cities. The cities were robbed of power, but that didnt last long. The people who called the cities home found ways to create power in the underbelly of the cities and the whole city runs off a city wide network that is assaulted by hackers and splicers.

Higher society took the biggest hit in these cities because they lacked the street skills to get around. If they didnt have computer skills they were picked off one by one.

These are just a few of the ideas that I'm going for. Let me know if this would be a story you would even be interested in.

Ill leave you with a picture called buried for life, its portrays one of the many feelings I want my story to have.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sounds like you are ready to write your own novel